10 Facts About Me

1. My names Jess & my better half is Brandon. We have a daughter named Payton!
2. I'm a clean freak... I hate walking around a house & stepping on crumbs....biggest pet peeve.
3. I used to love winter driving until I hit a hydro pole 3 years ago. Now I'm terrified.
4. I'm a dog person &! ... Cats freak me out.
5. My best friend has been my best friend since we were 3 years old.
6. I could watch any Nicholas Sparks movie over and over again and never get tired of it.
7. I love to DIY.
8. I love being active... But slacking on the motivation lately.
9. I've wanted to blog for a long time but only recently motivated myself to start.
10. I have a weird obsession with watching youtube videos.


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